Ark of the Covenant – A do it yourself home built how to project
In 2006, I built my own copy of the fabled Ark of the Covenant, and I documented it online. As a result, I have a pretty good idea what it is, and what the original version did, and how it was made. This is the physical version. However, there is also a metaphor, and a spiritual version, just as there is in the study of the Philosopher’s Stone. I will teach you how to build this crazy device in this page. In this page, I reveal the secret of the vine that the passage in Exodus is actually describing.
History of the Ark of the Covenant
All of the most ancient recorded writings throughout the cultures have a made reference to a certain box. This was a box of great magical power, this was a box that was used to transmute the morning dew into seed to feed an army that went about the planet and killed those who would not follow them with this same magical box. I know what you might be thinking… no it was not a box of Nutrasweet (aspartame) nor was it a box of MSG… This particular magical box came to be known as the Ark Of The Covenant.
This picture depicts the Ark of the Covenant being used by the Israelites to kill the Philistines, notice the Israelites carrying the Ark of the Covenant are wearing are carrying nor wearing nothing made of metal. This is an important clue.
The picture below depicts the temporary home of the Ark of the Covenant, until the Tabernacle could be built to house this terrible awesome power.
The Tabernacle was covered in ornate carpets and tapestries with designs that depicted sacred geometry and a symbolic representation of of the story of creation.
There was an obscure theory about the magical box I had stumbled upon nearly a decade ago, and it goes something like this: The box itself is a massive tank capacitor, the poles antenna to charge it, the cherubim is a spark gap, and the carpeting shrouding it is a medium capturing ambient AC current, storing it, then slowly charging it back through the antenna. In other words, if designed correctly, the Tabernacle and The Ark of the Covenant are a self charging capacitor static scavenging unit.
Bluebook Films – The Ark of the Covenant Revealed
The Discovery Channel decided to put this theory to the test and hired Bruce Burges of Bluebook Films to make a documentary. The title of this documentary is The Ark of the Covenant Revealed.
Over $6000 dollars was spent on the woodworking alone. For some reason the funding was cut, the cast and crew left largely unpaid, the film ended up in litigation released to no one, shelved for 2 years. I found it in a strange place while hunting for surplus military gear to build things out of.
This film seems to have been out of character for Bruce, having had a previously untarnished reputation for making outstanding productions for Discovery, why all the chaos? Perhaps it is just political. There were a few interesting details about the production I haven’t covered yet. The Ark they made worked, Indiana Jones style!
But that’s not all, there were orbs and entities that became apparent. Very apparent, in person and on camera. These entities have been described by two of the crew members I spoke with who were there, as “Angelic Beings of Light” wearing what seemed to be robes, flying into and out of a portal that ignited out of the plasma ark between the cherubim. One of the orbs is shown in the top right portion of the top left picture below.
When I finally got a copy of the documentary, what do you know, a full hour of these beings had been edited down to 60 seconds, an orb and a zippy little insect light creature can be seen, however, these anomalies are not acknowledged what so ever in the narration of the film. In light of an apparent cover up, and yet another suppressed technology, I decided to create my own, and see what all the fuss was about. I increased the potential, the duty cycle and used supplies readily available to anyone and made this affordable as well. Some ancient writings say this device is a radio to “God”. There is strong evidence to support the plausibility that this device is also capable of generating a modulated radio frequency, I explored this possibility further later on.
Discovery Channel documentary
This video is the unreleased Discovery Channel documentary. The footage I received was in pieces, literally the director’s cut. I had to re-master it and sequence everything properly in 2016. The film was made in 2004, and for the very first time, it can be seen as it was intended in its final cut. Below, you will find Step by step photographs of the entire procedure. My project was not to be exactly like the first one built for the Discovery Channel, this one was to have a 100% duty cycle (run it for hours) and was to be carefully “tuned” or re-tuned as I experimented with it.
Exodus 25:10
The best known set of instructions for this device is in the bible, In Exodus 25:10 after the Hebrews had left Egypt God gave instructions to Moses regarding the building of the Ark:
……..Have them make a chest of acacia wood – two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. Overlay it with pure gold, both inside and out, and make a gold molding around it. Cast four gold rings for it and fasten them to its four feet, with two rings on one side and two rings on the other. Then make poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold. Insert the poles into the rings on the sides of the chest to carry it. The poles are to remain in the rings of the ark; they are not to be removed.
Make an atonement cover of pure gold – two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide. And make two cherubim out of hammered gold at the ends of the cover. Make one cherub on one and the second cherub on the other; make the cherubim of one piece with the cover, at the two ends. The cherubim are to have their wings spread upward, overshadowing the cover with them. The cherubim are to face each other, looking toward the cover.
There above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the Testimony, I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites…………………
The Project Commences
So these are the basic texts I worked from, however, I used the Egyptian cubit as the measuring standard, and super-duty Tesla coils in the design for the inner workings. I made some basic engineering assumptions regarding design, #1, the authors or editors of the biblical passage, suppressed the exact nature of this box. This is shown by the impossibility of an acacia box withstanding the weight of a mercy seat made of pure gold. #2 the box was electrical in nature, most likely a capacitor, and if so had an ability to charge its self. #3 the inside likely contained simple transformers. As a result, I modified certain aspects and materials to conform with this hypothesis, and subsequent schematics.
The Blueprint
Here are the basic sketches that I worked from, pardon the messy print.
I started with 7 sheets of 3/4 ” spruce plywood pre cut in the store @ 25$ per sheet, use no treated woods as they contain copper, Two Tesla coils wound opposite ways 30″ high, transceiver type tunable with a few extra turns. 6″ pvc white plastic pipe, black has carbon in it… Just use white pvc only 10′ @ 57$. 1/2″ copper pipe coils, bendable water pipe, we bought 2 rolls of 60′ each, might only use half of that, @ 153$. #22ga wire 6lbs, (we bought 10lbs) @20$. 4 2×2’s pre cut 32″ long, @8$, 1 gallon of shellac urethane @32$, 6 spray cans of same 4$ each, 4 liters of polyester resin @42$ and two meters of cloth @13$. Several flats of sand paper @2$ each.
The entire outside of the box was lined with aluminum foil, silver plated is better… 1/64″ thick, First use the resin to seal the inside of the box with fiber glass cloth around the bottom corners. Allow the resin to fill the grooves in the rough plywood. Now it’s water or (grapefruit juice) proof. Line the inside of the box with copper or aluminum foil of any thickness, minimum 1/64″. Stop 2.5″ from the top inside and out to prevent voltage leaking.
The mercy seat interlocks into the top of the box, then 3 more pieces so the numbered pieces from bottom to top go as follows #5, #3, #7, #4. Cap that with a piece of marble 30 1/4″ x 50 3/4″. A granite quartz slab has a resonating effect, but mostly I just used this for durability. The original ark in the documentary suffered 1″ deep burns in the top of it, and I don’t want to make a new seat every time I fire it up. For testing purposes, we used granite and marble stone tile on our “test” mercy seat. We found the grout to be conductive, and the granite was a spectacular short. All the tile was smashed off, and a one piece marble slab installed on the top. The measurements are staggered to allow for your choice of non-conductive molding. The cherubim, or griffins, or eagles or whatever you use as a spark gap sits right on the top of each Tesla coil, making a spring loaded contact with the inside coil.
There are 10 turns in the primary coils 1″ apart, there are a couple of extra turns, but I want it there for experimenting. 2x2s or teflon plastic could be used, but we felt the wood was more loyal to the original design. Cut to length, stagger, and use a blade bit to drill the holes for the isolators. Heavy nylon string soaked with resin works to bind the primary coils in their 2×2 isolators, also once bound, take 3/8″ wooden dowel and drill and pin them shut for a more permanent solution.
The suggested capacitors for each coil are were 13 in series, white mica door knob type with 1\4 inch threaded ends.160 volts from the variac, a triple brass ball adjustable spark gap, as well as rotating cherubim to increase or decrease the distance between them. This version can be charged with a neon sign transformer (15000kv 60ma) to charge things up and activate the metals so they are more sensitive to ions. I made many different versions and tested the high-voltage properties of many different metals. You can use other self charging variations, such as building your own tabernacle tent, or an arid desert location.
The Tesla Coil
When winding the secondary coils, start 1″ up from the bottom, drill a small hole. pull through a foot or two, shoe goop the hole closed, wind it perfectly until you get 1″ from the top, roughly 980 turns or so, then pull an extra foot or two through a small hole 1″ from the top, shoe goop that closed too. Use urethane shellac, or polyester resin to coat it liberally. The cherubim will make contact with the top wire inside the tube with a copper spring loaded brass stud and nut soldered to the top inner wire that compresses each tube when the lid (mercy seat) is lowered onto the pipe caps. Use springs brass studs, and silver dollars with holes drilled in them. Do not substitute the silver for less noble metal, perhaps copper will work as well.
I needed to figure out the kind of poles to use, and why. I settled on oak banister railings, and covered then with aluminum tape. I felt that this would be more inclined to collect energy as antenna if they were made of covered wood, it also keeps with the original design from the bible. The hardware used to connect them was muffler c-clamps, and furniture claw nuts. Bust the claws off, and counter sink the inside holes 1/4″ mount the poles and seal the hole with fiberglass resin once the wires, one for each side, have been soldered in place. The poles are re-configurable, they are insulated from the outside of the box by the trim that covers the outer rim and corners, and make a connection with the inside, (positive) by the wires counter sunk into the attachment hardware. They could also be attached to make contact with the outside, (negative) You wouldn’t want to pick it up when charged.. The box, carries a charge lethal enough to make glass into a conductor, do not touch the charged box with your florescent tube high-voltage tester, or you will blow up your heart.. I did this when I was first testing the coils in the box, and I got kicked across the back yard. I wanted to experiment to see if it collects more one way, or another. I suggest those that want to make an Ark, make it in such a way that it can be varied, rewired, and experimented with. As it turned out, using plywood caused a short from the inside to the outside through a knot in the wood. It worked fantastically, but just once until if self destructed. In hind sight, use thick pure white Teflon sheets instead, if you want to make an indestructible version that will not suck up moisture in storage, or fail the same way mine did.
The Capacitor
When finished winding things in their opposite directions, mount the apparatus on a piece of plywood about 21″x51″x3/4″ thick. This way nothing changes positions between experiments.
The “Warp Core” can be ejected if you want to change up or maintain it. Screws hold it together until you can drill and glue in 5/16″ dowels in their place. !4 ” table legs are mounted in the corners of the tray so 2 people can carefully pick up the unit without touching the coils .2×6 framework in the center of the tray isolates the vital components such as the spark gap, NST, and capacitor banks.
There is UV protective lexan over the spark gap compartment will shield everyone’s eyes during operation, regular lexan covers the rest, and rubber stair nosing on the corners holds the glass in place. Heavy duty chokes are mounted to the outsides of the 2×6 frame. A piece of 2×4 in the center if the pipe, pinned and glued to the tray holds the secondary coils where they are. Once everything is glued, take a pint of urethane or polyester resin and coat the whole tray evenly, and 22ga wire coils, this will keep everything intact. Purists making monster coils use up to 50 coats for maximum durability, 7 minimum, you decide where to stop.
The Twin Tesla Coils
The Ark is required to be insulated from the ground by at least 4″. I chose to attach castors at one end, and feet at the other. Put together your version of “feet” and trace them onto the bottom. Use deck-screws to temporarily hold them in place after holes have been drilled from the outside in, and weld-bond glue has been applied between the surfaces. At this point turn the box upright, get into it, and follow your pilot holes back into the tacked on feet. Use the same 5/16″ dowels pins with weld-bond glue to pin the feet. Let sit overnight, then, remove the screws that were holding the feet in place. These holes can be filled with resin when its time to line the inside with foil.
I decided to use heavy duty tin foil as the conductor. The main reason for this is to keep the costs reasonable. My intent is also to demonstrate this can be done very well for a very reasonable cost. However, if money is no object silver would be the best material for conducting, copper would be a close second. The bottom must be done first, then the outside, keeping in mind there needs to be a 3″ space between the top, and where your foil stops to prevent leakage. I used fiberglass polyester resin to glue the foil to the box. I am using common automotive bondo to fill in the plywood. The reasoning behind these choices is adherence, as well as durability and fire proofing. Bondo fill any imperfections, let dry, sand. I’m using approximately 1 liter of resin for each long side. Any bubbles that can’t be smoothed out, must be “popped” and smoothed into occasional spots where the resin has left a recess. Don’t despair when the resin is imperfect, just smooth the foil in.The mechanics of the capacitor require no airspace between the conductor, and the insulator. Strangely enough, the capacitor has its own secrets.The electricity actually vanishes from one plate, and manifests upon the other. It cannot be found within the insulator.
After the four outsides have been lined properly, use heavy duty aluminum duct tape to join the foil where there is a seem, also along the corners for strength. Trim must be applied before lining the inside. Clamp the precut finished trim of your choice to the corners. Use a depth gage on your drill as to not go right through the trim from the inside out. Glue, and peg all of the trim that you want attached from the inside out just as we had done for the feet. We picture frame each side with nice looking wood trim painted gold then varnished. Varnish and clear urethane are both insulators, but paint will conduct energy, so if you want to paint the top 3 inches, you must varnish over it with several coats to keep the capacitor from shorting to the inside lining. After the trim is installed, the poles may be installed. Once the poles are dry fit, remove them and fill all the grooves and holes on the inside and line with foil as well stopping 5″ from the top.
**WARNING** Once there is foil on both sides of the plywood, the box has the potential to charge!!! Carpet, dry winds, passing clouds and or storms are but a few possible sources of electricity capable of charging the box by induction alone. Keep the inside shorted the outside at all times except during use. Glass, many plastics, even wood can become conductive at these extreme voltages. There was a university student killed during the making of such a box because this precaution was not known to them, just as I was nearly killed by it for the same reason. This has not yet been tested in proximity to gasoline either, so be careful.. it is likely to cause an explosion if near combustibles. Static electricity needs only a carbon trail to follow to travel. **
The hand drawn schematics for the inner workings of the Ark of the Covenant
If space is a consideration, you might want to consider building a smaller version, reduce all of the dimensions by half. The builder in the documentary also created a small version up in his lab and little orbs and entities became visible as well when he used that one too.
A mini Ark of the Covenant
As for grounding, just get some wire and hook alligator clips to it and short it out, grounding wont help, short the outside to the inside of the box or it will collect, if you ground the outside to your water pipe for instance you just helped it charge, the outside is negative, inside positive. keep the poles out of it when not in use, they are like antenna, they collect too. Short out the secondaries, to the cherubim as well. Look up salt water capacitor, it may help people understand what the box is, look up also homemade Tesla coils too.
This project was created for and released to the general public for scrutiny and use in their most simplified forms with the full schematics and plans. I needed to see for myself if I could make that phone call to God with this device.
Did the Ark of the Covenant actually work?
Yes, and no. The Ark of the Covenant project exceeded my expectations in every way. In cost, in near death experiences, in complexity, and in time. The list of materials mentioned in the above project, is a refined list. What I did not list, was all the things I tried that did not work. I learned more than I ever expected to about high-voltage properties, conductivity, capacitors, Tesla coils, electrons, static electricity, digital hydro meters, power pole transformers, pcp’s, and the municipal power grid. I had a great time and experience learning about all of these things, even though I nearly died twice, got kicked across the yard by it, blew up the neighborhood power pole transformer, nearly burned down my garage, then nearly burned down my house, and gave my poor tenant, and my cat their first Near – God experience.
I finally got everything humming and all strung out in my garage operational. My little soup pot full of beer-bottle salt water capacitors was very under powered, and there was only about two inches of lightning coming out the top of the coil, after months of tweaking and collecting all the supplies required. Of course, the coils were not in the box for this test. What I did next, took me quite by surprise. Had I known what was about to happen, I wouldn’t have done it. So, the theory was that the box its self was a high capacity tank capacitor, capable of storing a charge so lethal, that the Israelites could have outsmarted their biblical foes, and lured them into a prepared battle ground, made conductive with salt, and moistened during the evening before, or planned around a rainy weather pattern, and then lured them into it, and electrocuted them by the hundreds. The evidence, is that they are all wearing leather sandals, and carried no metal weapons or armor, and they were carrying the Ark of the Covenant with them, with its huge secret capacity to discharge at the speed of light, and kill anything that is carbon based. The description of the Ark in Exodus supports this as well.
After tweaking and tweaking, replacing spark gaps, swapping materials, adding more and more capacitors for weeks, changing the wiring and measuring the smallest gains in the lightning output of the testing coil, I was quite familiar with everything. What I did not know, was that I didn’t even have the slightest clue of the capability of this device, and the extremely robust and fine tuned device I had created. I was measuring my success by half centimeters of the output. Better, or worse.. change something, adjust the gap.. try it again. I understood that the capacitors needed to be upgraded. I was going to buy a horse trough, and use mason jars and salt water, just as Nikola Tesla had done a century earlier. I couldn’t locate a metal one readily, so I was just waiting to find a used one for sale. In the meantime I continued to tweak, until I felt it was perfect. Then one day, I decided to add the Ark of the Covenant into the circuit, and just give it a shot and see what would happen.
I did this, hooked up one pole that was wired to the inside of the Ark of the Covenant to the negative side, and wire it in series with my beer bottle salt water capacitors pot. The other pole was wired to the outside of the box, I hooked it up to the positive input side of the spark gap. Then I flicked the switch, expecting maybe a foot of lightning, which would be a huge leap, considering, nearly every piece of this was home made. I flicked the switch, and the air exploded into BLAATT SNAPPA OOOHHMMM BLAAAT RIIIPPPPPPPAPAPAP!!!and about 8 to 10 foot lightning strikes, seemed like 50 at once, everywhere! All this happened before I could even turn around. When I saw what was going on, I instinctively ducked, and ran away from it. However, I had my back to the metal garage door, and it was closed. The doorway of the garage was in the center of the room, as was the test coil and controller. All I could do at that point, was watch helplessly and try not to touch the closed metal door. Thoughts were exploding in my head as fast as the lightning strikes were flying out of the Ark of the Covenant.
Is it a telephone to God? Yes, it sure is. Its also a teleporter, it will take you right to God if you are any where near the device when it goes off. So, what did God say to me? Nothing specific, it was laughing, and laughing, and laughing until the beer bottle capacitor failed and the lightning laughter and acoustic explosions ceased as fast as they had begun. I ran over to the controller, and unplugged it before God started laughing at me some more. I discovered a brand new emotion that day, a pure mix of amazement, triumph, and idiocy. 33.33% of each is the formula for Dumb struck. Now I know exactly how Dumb got struck. By the lightning laughter of the Gods.
What kind of experiments were conducted?
I realized immediately I needed a larger work space. As of April of 2007, the project was shut down due to moisture and location difficulties. The moisture from the rainy winter caused the Ark of the Covenant to create an emp pulse that destroyed a 15kv 60ma transformer, brand new 307$ unit. I melted the tar out of the unit and attempted a stove-top repair (if you have a pure white kitchen or a lady in your home, NEVER DO THIS) all I did was make a big mess, and verify that the secondary indeed had melted. As a result a long clean up ensued.
Also as a result of the emp pulse, the digital hydro meter was knocked out of adjustment, the bill went from 27$ to 460$ and hydro refused to adjust it. As a result the project was shelved until after the Ark of the Covenant was air dried in a heated storage locker for 5 months. A lot of about 22 old style neon sign transformers was purchased, and a batch of doorknob capacitors was ordered from Xing, China. A new lab had been established on a small acreage in town. My experimentation continued through 2008. A lot of cash and sacrifice was involved in it’s creation. It was worth every penny, and every moment. I was struck in the heart by a jolt that kicked me across the lawn by touching the box with a 4 foot glass florescent tube. I also had a failing homemade cap discharge into my cheek. Aaron, Moses’ brother was killed touching the original ark. Caution and a large workspace cannot be stressed enough.
The coils were run outside of the box due to the large saltwater temporary capacitor in use, and the fact that when I was leaning into the box, I got zapped. I have found although thick rubber insulated wires are great, the best wire I could find is aircraft cable, coated. Otherwise known as clothes-line. The electrons flow really well through this wire. Also it seems to have the same insulation factor as expensive neon sign wire. When in need of another wire, just clip off another piece of the roll, and solder a couple of terminals onto it. The first main test of the box its self was Nov 11 2006. The point was to observe whether or not it charges up as a capacitor. The fact that the box will by its nature displace all “air” inside it while in operation also lends to the theory that when it is running assembled, it may be some kind of massive radio vacuum tube set. The tests proved that the box is capable of being a very high output tank capacitor. Due to the subsequent destruction of the neon sign transformer (NST),I made a set of heavy duty chokes to protect the new NST from the high voltage slamming of EM pulses that occur during operation. Its amazing watching the wiring flex as the voltage pumps through it like veins pumping the voltage like blood from the Ark of the Covenant as its heart.
Will Discovery air the Bluebook Film, or do another documentary about the Ark of the Covenant?
Kristina Djokic with Prometheus Studios came across this article while researching for an upcoming episode dedicated to the Ark, and invited me to participate in the recreation of another Ark of the Covenant for Ancient Aliens Discovery Channel. Due to personal constraints, I was unable to attend during the short window they had to make the project. I consider this a great honor, I love the idea that the project has helped inspire people to release their own Indiana Jones ;) Here is the episode free online.
What happened to this Ark of the Covenant project?
I no longer have the Ark of the Covenant project, I gave it to a movie set company in Burnaby, British Columbia to use as a rental in the event such an artifact was ever required by another producer. If you happen to be in the market for movie props, check them out, the owner is a really nice guy, and i didn’t mind giving this to him, at least some portion of the project will live on.
The allegory
To discover the allegorical meaning of the passages in Exodus, visit the other Ark of the Covenant page.
Article written by A.E.; Reprinted with permission as the prologue for the book:
Unfolding the Labyrinth: Open Problems in Physics, Mathematics, Astrophysics and other Areas of Science
You can get the entire book in pdf format for free here if you enjoy advbanced Mathematics.
link to: Google Books
· Publisher: Hexis – Phoenix (October 1, 2006)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1599730138
· ISBN-13: 978-1599730134