The Allegory of the Pond
I have written an allegory in a similar style to Plato’s allegory of the Cave:
[Socrates] If what we see in the outer world is but illusory, does this make you wonder what then is this body, which we know as but a vehicle, a husk, how is it that it is here, and of what might it be made?
[Glaucon] Indeed, I wonder if I am not this body, then what is this appendage.
[Socrates] If indeed God has made man in It’s image, does it not stand to reason, that this body is an aspect of God?
[Glaucon] Yes, it stands to reason. But what of the rest of this physical manifestation?
[Socrates] If our soul inhabits these chariots of the Gods, is it plausible that all we see and experience through these chariots is made manifest by the very nature of of this chariot, which contains the capability to perceive time, space, texture within this very vehicle?
[Glaucon] Yes, it is plausible that these bodies are creating this entire physical experience. If the soul is truly not this body, then what is the spirit made of?
[Socrates] It has been repeated throughout the ages, through all of the worlds religions, that our souls are bodies of light, which have been slowed and condensed into this physical form, reflected upon the divine tapestry called the veil.
[Glaucon] For all of this illusory experience, has there been a window designed into this place through which we may see our true selves?
[Socrates] If the body is a physical manifestation and aspect of God, and the spirit a body of light which has been fooled into identifying with it, does it stand to reason that the reflection of the human observer, which is a body of light is indeed but a true reflection of the observers immortal spirit?
[Glaucon] Is it true that the hand of God holds the mirror, and the truth of our existence is that we are but the reflection that is cast into it, a reflection of God?
[Socrates] If this is the true perception, does it stand to reason that humans since time immemorial have sat near a pond to ponder their mortality with the answer shimmering back at them through the reflections for this reason? And does it also stand to reason that the very language “ponder” and “reflection” reflect this insight to allow us to be drawn to the truth in plain sight when we are ready to observe it? And in plain sight we find the plane of our own true existence within a reflection in a pond.
[Glaucon] Indeed, this does seem quite so.
This article discusses the importance of allegory in philosophy and scripture.
Here is the legendary allegory written thousands of years ago by Plato called Allegory of the Cave