Decoding the Phoenix
In ancient Greek mythology, a phoenix or phenix (Greek: φοῖνιξ phoinix) is a long-lived supernatural bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. The phoenix was subsequently adopted as a symbol in Early Christianity. While the phoenix typically dies in a show of flames and combustion, in most versions of the legend, there are less popular versions of the myth in which the mythical bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again. According to some legends, the phoenix could live over 1400 years before rebirth. Herodotus, Lucan, Pliny the Elder, Pope Clement I, Lactantius, Ovid, and Isidore of Seville are among those who have contributed to the retelling and transmission of the phoenix motif.
Scholars have observed analogues to the phoenix in a variety of cultures. These analogues include the Arabic anqa, the Hindu garuda and gandaberunda, the Russian firebird, the Persian Simorgh, the Turkish Zümrüdü Anka, the Tibetan Me byi karmo, the Chinese fenghuang, and the Japanese hō-ō.
A closer look;
The Phoenicians are credited with creating the modern alphabet we use today. Rather than basing their design of the characters on the natural vibration given when they are uttered, as is done in the ancient Hebrew language, the Phoenician alphabet is based on the idea that each uttered sound, not the shape of the waveform, should be represented by a corresponding character. It sounds simple, but it is not as simple as it seems. Cleverly hidden from the casual observer, our language has hidden compartments to discover for those who have elevated awareness and pattern recognition capabilities. There are many riddles, mysteries, and hidden contexts to be rediscovered all through our language and literature. I call this heightened understanding and application of the hidden enlightened context, the language of Origin.
In the English language, the letter X is sometimes used in place of letters as a type of short hand. X-Mas is a very popular use of this technique. But the most popular, yet overlooked use of this abbreviation is in mythology. The word Phoenix is actually an abbreviation derived from the word Phoenicia. In ancient Greek mythology, the eternal Phoenix cyclically rises out of the ashes of its predecessor to be reborn. This could be an analogy to the true secret of the languages. In light of my current awareness and studies of countless pieces of literature and music created with a deliberate steganography, I firmly believe that the idea behind this parable is that a new meaning and understanding shall be born out of the ashes of the Phonetic language, the surface (topical) context we had known, to reveal the true eternal meanings and higher context hidden to the general population for all of this time. It is through synonyms, homonyms, homophones and silent or double letters that the surface context of the English language can convey a particular meaning to the casual observer, while the hidden context is cleverly obfuscated by simple yet ancient steganographic techniques, thus giving the literature, hymns, psalms, poems and song lyrics dual, or even more than two meanings depending on the intent and skill of the writer. Eventually, we can begin to see the gravity of this grave situation, and realize that everything that is subject to gravity will indeed be pulled into its grave.
I have traveled and studied extensively, the mythology and ancient traditions of many different culture. Based upon my experience, I would say, the Phoenix is another species of Gryphon within the family of Sphinx. They all embody the same traits, the legend of the Sphinx describes Her as extensively intelligent and laden with riddles the passers by must solve if they wish to keep their lives.