Chapter 1 – Subtract Attractive Opposites

For as long as man has stood upon the shores and watched the sun rise from the depths of the ocean, there have been theories about our origins, our universe, and how it all began. Some scientific theorists today will even tell you how it ends, and they have a tidy little equation to sum it all up. Each religion has it’s own version of these events, and adds a spiritual dimension into the equation. For the casual reader, there are quite a variety of universal theories to choose from, each suited to a particular disposition. However, for the critical observer, each of these theories seems to be lacking in one thing or another. The adept pupil will therefore take the pieces of each theorem, and construct a unique compilation.

Each of us has our very own unified theory of everything. It is how we see the world, and how we assign purpose or insignificance to everything around us. However, much of what we believe is assumed, outright imagined, or unknown to our conscious mind. We as individuals, or as a species tend to dig only as deeply as we need to in order for us to assemble a purpose for the things we value, and the things we do. Our individual theories are usually not very far outside the accepted norm. This allows us to experience society as we now know it, and to predict each other’s values and movements to a large degree. This is the basis for our social and economic relationships. No individual wants to be outside of the social circles, or outside of the economy, and so we conform without even thinking about it critically.

Most of us use a train of thought to transport ideas and carry our beliefs with us everywhere we go. The problem with a train, is that its hard to stop, and impossible to steer, because the track is already laid. When we are in school, we are merely given a map with the tracks and stations already upon it. This is not free thought. We need to think in a chain of thought, or circles of thought, ever longer, ever wider and infinity flexible with no predetermined stations if we are to begin to rise above typical limitations of communication, and sharing and advance the natural limitations of our perception.

When we as individuals begin to shift our level of awareness, our personal theories be they scientific, spiritual or both must change to accommodate this shift. Sometimes, the shift in consciousness calls out-dated or incomplete theories into question, but sometimes it is new evidence or philosophies that cause an individual to expand and shift their consciousness.  It is by both of these methods, which I will attempt to approach the reader’s mind and replace certain illusions with a more accurate theory that actually unifies us as a species. I am not necessarily going to point out each flaw in each of the other theories, however, the very idea about a unified theory of everything until recently seems to be more about unifying things, but overlooks us as individuals. If any great unification theory is to hold any water at all, it must unify all things and purposes, and leave a clear unquestionable path for humans to be able to understand the common denominators that run through science, religions, philosophy, music, art and metaphysics.

With each new discovery, theory or belief we encounter in our lives, everything in our minds changes slightly. Depending upon the validity of the new information, we are either more aware, or further off the true path of enlightenment. For those with meticulous file structures in our minds, each new piece of information casts new light upon nearly all the information that is currently stored and catalogued in our minds. For those who are older and set in their ways, their mind calcifies and forms a barrier against any new fundamental information which makes any change there difficult or impossible without some kind of earth shattering evidence. In those cases, it is not the earth that shatters, but the individuals calcified belief structure. What I am referring to, as fundamental beliefs are the foundation for our entire library of collected information. We identify very closely with this collected library of information, and believe that it is who we are. This makes it very difficult to change, discard or adapt any new information into our fundamental belief structure, lest we destabilize the very core of our essence. In some people, radical changes in this structure can cause the individual to feel as though they are dying in a sense, and panic as such. The very first obstacle to an enhanced awareness is therefore fear. We are taught from early on to fear change, and to defend our beliefs from a position of fear. We learn from the beginning to outright attack that, which just might set our minds free, instead of examining the new information critically.

Einstein has said many things over his lifetime, and many of which, we are still learning different applications for. One of Einstein’s great quotes is, “problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them”. This might seem like its just stating the obvious, however if we look over our thought process and how we try to resolve our problems, we may notice that we often expect to find solutions while we are in a diminished state of mind. It is my belief, if we manage to raise up our level of consciousness significantly, that by doing an audit of our personal fundamental belief structure, we may very well expose many significant errors in our thinking, and judgement as though we have turned on a light switch in our mind. The process of eliminating personal thinking errors and fundamental belief structure instabilities can therefore be as complex, or as simple as we decide to allow. Imagine this structure as a crossword puzzle. If you get just one word wrong, the entire puzzle from that point forward makes no sense. Only by eventually solving a different clue with the correct answer can you hope to reveal the mistake, and resolve it. This is why it is best, to use a pencil with an eraser when solving puzzles. So the first question is, how then do we enhance our personal level of awareness?

Problems are usually just symptoms. The commonly accepted method to deal with something is to treat the symptom unfortunately. Most of our personal problems stem from the same root causes. Almost all of the entire root of mankind’s problems are a direct result of false beliefs, which lead to thinking errors, (ie: entitlement issues), which manifest what we call problems. One of the leading causes of confusion within our minds, is the belief that we are experiencing a series of accidents. Another way to put this, is the belief in evolution, and natural selection as it is taught in schools is false. Let’s borrow another Einstein quote; when asked if he believed in God, Einstein replied, “Either everything is a miracle, or nothing is.” When Einstein died, they cut out his brain, and sent small pieces of it to labs all over the world, in hopes they could one day reveal the mystery behind his great mind. This barbaric activity shows how far behind some of us are, and how beneath true intelligence the accepted and trusted scientific community truly is. To learn how the man used his brain that way, we need only to read his words, and make a deliberate attempt to comprehend them, and audit our own fundamental belief structure. This is how to begin enhancing our level of awareness, remove the obvious errors in our thinking process.

Why do I call this the fundamental belief structure, and which specific beliefs are parts of it? Every time you process thought, of any kind almost, you filter it through this fundamental belief structure. We ask ourselves questions, and then use our experience to judge new information we receive. There is a pyramid of thoughts, all connected to each other that shapes each of our conclusions. If you have errors or redundancies in your fundamental belief structure, you have no possible hope of interpreting information as it is actually presented. But, we are never trying to merely interpret information. We are trying to analyze it, and extrapolate information that was not made available. This is how we apply logic to information, also known as intellect, and IQ. If we learn and know many things, this does not automatically equate into IQ. If we have errors in our logic, and harbour false beliefs in our fundamental belief structures, we will not be able to process information correctly, no matter the integrity of the source, or the volume of facts we can store. If we have erroneous fundamental beliefs, the conclusions we draw from our products and quotients will undoubtedly and must contain errors as well. In society, only a small variation is tolerated between individuals before there is a conflict.

An old possibly forgotten saying is to “Watch your P’s & Q’s”. It refers to products and quotients, aka multiplication and division, or in other words, how one applies logic. If you have logistical errors when you multiply or divide information, clearly you will also multiply the errors. So, how can Einstein help us with this equation? The human mind is very similar to software in a computer. In some basic respects a computer system is an analogy of our mind. The fundamental belief structure would be the B.I.O.S. (basic input output system) if we were a computing machine. Every time the computer receives a query or command it must reread the B.I.O.S. This information becomes part of every single equation. To gain a glimpse inside the mind of Einstein, one does not need a piece of his brain. Let us simply re-examine his quote about God. It is very simple, and precise, yet powerful beyond measure. “Either nothing is a miracle, or everything is”. Which side did he fall on? He did believe in God, so, his true answer is everything is a miracle. This is one of Einstein’s fundamental beliefs. Compare this to most people’s fundamental belief in this respect. Most people like to think they believe in God, regardless of which dogma or shape accompanies that belief. However, for most people, this is not a true and genuine belief, it is a hope, or a theory. So, which do they truly believe? Both! This is an error, because both cannot be true.

So, what happens to your mind if you are holding more than one truth about a fundamental question of life? This is known as a paradox. For each paradoxical error in your fundamental belief structure, since you need to run each thought past your basic input output system, you will need to process each applicable piece of information at least twice! Einstein could recognise a divine pattern within physics, mathematics, and quantum theory that demonstrated conclusively to him, that there is a divine intelligence that created the entire universe. Thus, his mind only needed to perform half of the work to process the same information that someone else who has more than one belief in this respect would need to. He knew there is a God, he didn’t just believe in the possibility. If you are still just speculating about that specific concept, with each piece of information you analyze, you need to come up with at least two possible answers. One answer applies if there is a God, and another possibility if this is merely a Darwinian universe, perhaps a third possibility if it’s a mix of both some how. So, how did Einstein run like the wind with his mind? He was not conflicted with useless calculations or burdened with the deep fears that accompany such inflictions. It would seem to be, that with this one statement, he was simultaneously giving us the secret of his clarity, and also demonstrating that intelligence lies not within our brain, but in how we consciously choose to organise our beliefs. Believing that the brain is the source of intelligence is the same as believing that a library is intelligent. Our mind needs to be the master, and the brain its faithful servant, not the other way around.

With this principal of how thought is organized within our brains understood, we may begin to unlock the potential of the human mind, your mind, and shift our gaze from the brain matter to what lies beyond our beliefs and cause a shift in our level of awareness, that we may yet conceive what has heretofore eluded our wakeful consciousness. With each such error that we may identify and resolve within our fundamental belief structure, we can expect to increase our personal ability to process all thought far more quickly, clearly, and with less effort than ever before imagined. Coming to terms with this information can result in a significant improvement in cognitive abilities, interpersonal relationships, IQ and even our very evolution itself. This process can be likened to defragmenting one’s harddrive. After each major new discovery, be it spiritual, philosophical, or scientific, one must deliberately do a complete audit of his or her fundamental belief structure, and discard, correct, or otherwise adjust each belief or idea as is required. The more you do this, the faster and more efficiently you can do this in the future. The first audits are usually the most psychologically disruptive, and this destabilizing and sometimes paralyzing fear will subside as you become more familiar with programming your brain, and learn to trust yourself to reconfigure your own inner most workings. If you are not in control in your own head, I assure you, something or someone else will be telling you what to think, and what is right or wrong. This is a far worse scenario than taking charge of your own mind. Most religious cults such as Catholics for instance practice allowing their priest to program the fundamental belief structure. If you don’t think there is a distinct problem with this, please Google catholic priest before continuing to the next paragraph.

Traditionally, it is our parents who place the first fundamental beliefs within our consciousness, and some of these will need to be adjusted over time, depending upon the level of consciousness our parents and other family members had at the time. The second waves of fundamental beliefs are traditionally laid in place by the schools in which we attend. Many of these beliefs are held true all of our lives if they are undisturbed by conflicting information, or just remain unaudited until they calcify. If you have managed to recognise the divine fingerprints upon the universe, either by personal experience or profound examination of the evidence that is all around us, then you may already be far less conflicted as most other people are. Once this is the case, someone can tell you plainly that you are currently in the presence of a being that guides every situation for your direct benefit, and as you progress, different phases and more advanced opportunities will be presented to you by this/these being(s). We can rely upon Einstein’s wisdom again here, “either everything is a miracle, or nothing is”. If you can also merge that with your fundamental belief system, then it would come as no surprise to learn that our evolution is spread out over many lifetimes. No one completes this level in their first go around.

If your belief structure forbids you to believe in reincarnation, then your personal evolution is restricted. A worldview like this sees errors and chaos everywhere. If there is a God watching over us, why was that poor little child harmed so, you might wonder. However, if that poor little child was a child predator in their last life, then it becomes much more reasonable, and even merciful that the predator be given another opportunity to atone for their mistakes and evolve past that stage of their evolution rather than being cast into a fiery pit straight away. But if you can go along with the idea of reincarnation and the fact that there are no accidents here, and believe those ideas as though they are your truth, and there is no other, then you will have a far different perspective. Without reincarnation, much of what we see makes no sense at all, and seems very unfair. This casts our doubts upon the idea of a benevolent Creator, which further diminishes our ability to reason. Without Divine intention, the world seems chaotic and out of control. In our effort to define all we see as evolution, we create a great fear that our loved ones or we are gong to be eaten alive by the accident monster, and begin to react accordingly. Instead of acting, we react. Those who believe in survival of the fittest also develop predatory techniques in every aspect of life. Unfortunately the more of these predators we encounter in our lives, the more susceptible we become to joining their ranks in the all you can eat buffet / every man for themselves way of living and thinking. The ideas that God does what it does directly for our benefit, and influences our entire life, and that we are reincarnated, are not new ideas at all. But again, if these concepts are only theoretical, not knowledge, then you’re going to be processing duplicate data in certain respects again, as in the first example of a paradoxical thought error. This limits your ability to wander down the road of thought, and see around the corner (insight). If there are too many roads and endless possibilities, we tend to lose the motivation to do this, or get distracted before we make any significant progress at extrapolating what comes next. Many individuals will just turn to assumption, the poor cousin of extrapolation. Each puzzle piece we remove from the box, and add to our picture adds to our ability to perceive, and extrapolate. When we get enough of these puzzle pieces assembled before us, we gain insight by way of perspective and context. Occam's razor can be a very useful philosopher’s tool. The simplest possible explanation is likely the correct one. It is really ironic how we tend to believe a less likely alternative to a truth sometimes as though a convoluted bloated theory seems to have an air of credibility.

Once we begin to assemble these pieces, there begins a domino effect within our awareness. This is known as critical mass. Once you assemble pieces of understanding past the point of obvious, the rest of the pieces begin to fall into place on their own. However, a similar yet opposite effect can be achieved if you are lazy in the mind, and choose to assume instead of gather the required data to extrapolate. I call this effect however, critical ass. This is why we usually assemble puzzles by finding the boarder pieces first (gather required data to make the correct calculation), and fitting in the center pieces as they become apparent. This gives us the perspective to put the other pieces into context. Context is a very overlooked and under rated idea. You can have all of the information in the world, but if it’s all out of context, then it is barely worth its weight or the space it takes up. Look at it this way, what is a library of books worth? What can you learn, achieve, discover, and write about? How long would it take, and how many lifetimes have gone into just a single library of books? What happens when you take it all out of context? You’re left with one book, a dictionary. It has the potential of creating an entire universe filled with color, art, music and information, yet it’s the most boring book to read. In much the same way that a library has the potential to help someone achieve intelligence, yet itself it is not intelligent, it is merely a repository for ideas that have been indexed and put into context by contributing authors.

If you understand that a brain full of information is nothing more than potential, then you can begin to understand just how important context is. In his song All you Need is Love, John Lennon remarked, “there is nothing you can’t know that isn’t known, there is nothing you can see that isn’t shown..”. As humans, we assume many things. One of which, is that there is only one context with which to compile information. However, this is quite untrue. This is the same difference of looking at a TV, or out your window. The TV, in most cases is two dimensions. Outside the window are three dimensions. Most people are only experiencing this world of information through two dimensions so to speak. They are missing different layers of conscious awareness because they have not considered an alternate context for what they are experiencing, or witnessing.

A humorous example of multiple context can be found in any convenience store. Nearly everyone knows what Cheetos are I will assume. For those that don’t, they are cheezie puff snacks, also known as Cheezies by another brand. What do you think of when you look at the package and read the name? There is a cheetah cartoon on the package, which must have something to do with the name of course. But I count three different contexts at play with the brand name here. The cheese, the cheetah, and also, this cheetah is always wearing sunglasses. In Mexico, chido means cool. This explains the sunglasses on the cheetah. This is a simple marketing example of a layering of different contexts, real or imagined, that can apply to the same one thing. It is very common for artists to use wordplay such as homophones of all kinds to imbue their creations with hidden layers of meaning. With the example of John Lennon above, what is the context there? The context is Love. He is saying, so eloquently and clearly, that you don’t need to save everyone, or teach everyone, or learn everything to be great or find inner peace, or achieve enlightenment. He states that you just need to live and act with Love. There are more layers of context woven into his songs, and we will go into that in greater detail in a different chapter.

We need to raise our awareness to open our minds. Remember, problems cannot be solved at the same level we used to create them. Opening both eyes wide is the first step. Einstein had a simplistic yet effective way to raise people’s awareness. He said that he never tries to teach his students, rather, he merely provided the environment suitable in which to learn, and then presented the relevant information. To understand the rest of the upcoming chapters, you will need to open your fundamental belief structure for a little reprogramming. This unlocked state of mind is the required environment to raise one’s level of consciousness. I place emphasis on this, because it makes most of the rest of the information presented herein become obvious and apparent. The world war two enigma decryption project is another great example of context. Once the British realized that each message had the words “Heil Hitler” encoded within it, the rest of the information suddenly became quite apparent. Context is the primer (cryptographic key). It is the key of all of the mysteries currently withheld from mankind.

If you can apply the correct context to all the information you receive and have access to, then there is nothing in the universe that will remain hidden from you. There is nothing you can know, that isn’t shown. Without the correct context, all of the information remains in a state of disconnection, like the dictionary of meaningless text. In fact, we can reduce a library to a dictionary, and further reduce that to a string of 26 letters, and 10 numbers. If you do not have this context programmed into your fundamental belief structure, you are not actually communicating in relevant / relative concepts, rather just reciting the alphabet and random numbers to each other. The word context is made of two smaller words, con – (latin) means with, and text. Without this, information is disconnected from relevance. We often communicate within smaller contextual pockets of disconnected information we call topics. The word topic has more than one meaning. It actually means surface, such as a topical ointment is designed for the skin, not to be taken internally. Most of us spend all of our lives bouncing from topic to topic in our interactions and our thoughts. As you read further, we are going to go deeper, and discover the primer, the context that links all topics. Although this book is divided into chapters, the concepts are interlocked and not topical, but have been designed to be absorbed internally, reflecting the original concept, the essence from which all future topics sprung forth.

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Copyright 2015 A. E. Persian Press I.S.B.N. 978-0-9879192-3-6
No portion of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the author.